Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! BARREL Daily Update: Jan1st

Happy New Year, 

There was a M6 flare and a few C class flares which appear to be potentially Earth directed late last night. We should also potentially be seeing the edge of the CME which erupted on December 29 along with the start of the HSS from the coronal hole. There are also a number of growing sunspots, so fingers crossed we'll see something big this week.

Google plots have now been made for 2T through the beginning of Dec. 31st. As the CDF files are processed I'll update it with the positions of the other two payloads as well. Today I hope to get at least some version of the FIREBIRD orbit up. 

Ground Weather:
Temp.: -7 C
Wind speed: 17.5 knots 

Halley 6: 

Temp.: -4.2 C
Wind speed: 17 knots 

Payloads up: Possible launch from SANAE

SANAE IV: none  
Halley 6:  2T, 2I

Payloads coming down:


Collection times for EFW: Maps of these collection times are attached. 
A: 18:50 - 21:50 (MLTs from 11-14)
B: 19:00 - 22:00 (MLTs from 11-13.5)

2013-12-30 (nice pass b/t stations)
A: 15:45 - 18:45  (mlts from 14 - 16.4)
B: 14:00 - 18:00 (mlts from 12 - 16)

2013-12-31 (nice pass just to West of stations)
A: 16:00 - 18:00 (mlts from 12 - 13.5)
     19:45 - 21:45 (mlts from 14.5 - 16)
B: 17:15 - 19:30 (mlts from 12-14)
     20:00 - 22:30 (mlts from 14-16)

2014-01-01 (pass quite a ways to the West of stations)
A: 19:15 - 20:45 (mlts from 12 - 13)

     23:00 - 2014-01-02/00:30 (mlts from 14.5 - 16)
B: 20:00 - 21:30 (mlts from 11 - 13)

2014-01-02 (pass quite a ways to the West of stations)
B: 00:30 - 02:00 (mlts from 15 - 14.9)

A: 17:15-18:45 (MLTs 15-17)       Partial pass b/t stations
B: 14:00-15:30 (MLTs 11.6-13) Pass b/t stations
B: 17:40-19:40 (MLTs (14.5-16) Pass just west of stations

A: 16:00-17:30 (MLTs 11.5-13) Pass to West of stations
A: 19:10-21:40 (MLTs 14-16.5)
B: 17:10-18:40 (MLTs 11.5-13)
B: 21:15-22:45 (MLTs 14.5-16)

2013-01-04 to 2013-01-05   Far to West pass
A: 18:50-20:20 (MLTs 11.3-12.8)
A: 22:50-00:20(jan5)   (MLTs 15-16)
B: 20:15-21:40 (MLTs 11.5-13)

A: 16:20-18:20 (MLTs 14.5-16.2)   pass b/t stations
B: 00:40(jan5) - 2:00(jan5)   (MLTs 15-16.3)
B: 14:20-16:20 (MLTs 11.6-13.4)   pass b/t and West of stations

B: 18:00-20:00 (MLTs 14.3-16.3)

Halley Bay :

possibly some wave activity, but it is right at the edge of the data coming in. 

GOES Electron Flux:

The >= 2 MeV electron flux is normal and expected to stay normal over the next three days. the >= 0.8 MeV electrons appear to be decreasing with some structure. 

GOES Proton Flux:

The proton flux has returned to normal and is expected to stay normal over the next three days. 

Space Weather from and 

Solar wind speed: 525.7 km/s 
Solar proton density: 4.7 cm^(-3)  

Sun spot number: 136 

NOAA has the likelihood of a M class flare at 40% and a 10% chance of an X class flare.  

Kp is quiet 

kp = 4 with a 24 max of kp = 4

Bz = 4.5 nT north

Btotal = 14.5 nT  

There is a coronal hole starting to show up on the Eastern limb of the sun which we may be starting to see the effects of today. It may merge with a glancing blow of a CME today.  

From Kyoto:

AE: large activity with AE greater than 1000 nT

Dst: slightly active. Currently the minimum is -38 nT. If the solar wind turns south perhaps we'll see a larger storm, but currently this is the largest storm that we have seen for this campaign. 

Have a good day,

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